Building a portfolio for college admissions for either undergraduate or graduate programs is both unique to the institution you are applying for and a representation of you as an artist/designer to this point. My approach to assisting artists and designers in building their portfolios begins with:

  • An introduction review of any and all current work over the last two years.

  • Review the list of colleges that you plan to apply to.

  • Going over each college/university supplemental requirements.

  • Presenting options to expand the portfolio by adding new work/assignments.

  • Assisting with understanding the specific homework/special portfolio requirements requested by certain colleges.

  • Editing to make the best fit portfolio for each application.

Over my 30 years of experience in art-based college admissions, the most successful portfolios for both enrollment and scholarships are those that are edited from a larger body of work. My goal is to provide not only direction but also art historical context that can also assist you in your applications essays and/or artist statements.